
Game Of Life

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Game of Life is a simulation game based on cellular automaton, where players set the initial conditions for a grid of cells and then watch them evolve over time. Each cell follows a small set of rules — it can either stay alive, die, or be born based on the number of neighboring cells. Once the simulation starts, players have no direct control over the cells, and the system runs automatically, showing how complex patterns can emerge from very basic rules.

Patterns, Stability, and Chaos

Depending on how the grid is set up at the beginning, players can observe many different outcomes. Some patterns stabilize, forming repeating loops or still images, while others collapse or spread into chaotic motion. Players can restart with new patterns, change the size of the grid, or modify the initial state to see how different setups lead to entirely different results. This balance between order and randomness is what makes each simulation unique and unpredictable.

Creative Experiments with Digital Life

Game of Life gives players a platform to experiment with the rules that govern digital life, exploring how small changes can create large effects. By setting up different initial designs, players can create artificial ecosystems, test how structures survive, or try to invent self-sustaining shapes. This open-ended system allows for both creative expression and scientific curiosity, making every session a chance to discover something new about how simple rules can produce complex behavior.

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